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Win10 - Anniversary update install problem

While installing the Windows 10 anniversary update on an Acer laptop this week I had a problem with the install getting about a third of the way through when the screen went black. The laptop wouldn't respond to any keypress and could only be turned off by pressing the power button for 20 - 30 seconds.

When the laptop was restarted I got a message that the install had failed and it was recovering to the previous Windows 10. After looking the problem up on the internet, I found that quite a few people had had this error and that it was usually due to a problem with a driver.

Note: a driver is a small program that is provided by the laptop maker that allows Windows to 'talk' to various bits of the laptop e.g. the screen, the keyboard, etc..

Further investigation on the Acer support site showed that the laptop was not compatible with the latest Windows 10 update. This is usually because the maker is either too lazy to update the drivers or they would rather sell people a new laptop than do the necessary work.

There is a further problem when this happens because Windows 10 does updates automatically and will continue to try and install the update which will fail again. Microsoft have supplied a program for temporarily stopping individual updates.

The program can be downloaded by clicking here

and a website explaining how to to do it can be found by clicking here

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Win10 - Anniversary update install problem Win10 - Anniversary update install problem Reviewed by baybookings on 10:09 Rating: 5
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